10th Year for Discounted Blood Draws
By: Boone County Health Center
October 1, 2020
Boone County Health Center’s Know Your Numbers event gives area people the chance to get a basic blood test to check for common, yet serious, health problems and future risk for certain health problems.
This year’s event, set for October 15th, 16th, and 17th, marks the 10th year Boone County Health Center has offered Know Your Numbers. To celebrate, participants will get a free grab-n-go breakfast after the blood draw.
“We’re happy to offer this service to the public. It’s such a great opportunity for people to have eight tests done with one simple blood draw for much less money than it would cost if they came in for each test separately,” said Prevention and Community Health Coordinator Nicole Levander.
Tests will include diabetes, cholesterol, kidney function, liver, anemia, infection, thyroid, iron for females and prostate for males. For best results, Levander suggests patients fast for 10 to 12 hours before the blood draw, drink plenty of water and keep taking medicines as prescribed.
“The Know Your Numbers event is vital because it helps patients find issues early. We’ve had some people discover they have diabetes or even prostate cancer from the blood tests done at Know Your Numbers. Catching any health problem early is a huge advantage to patients and their overall, long-term health,” said Levander.
No appointment is needed. Patients will be served on a first come first serve basis. “We know mornings are busy for people, so we work very hard to get everyone in and out as fast as we can,” said Levander.
Doors open promptly at 6:30 a.m. and the event will end at 8:30 a.m. each day.
Cash or check payment will be taken at the time of service. The lab charge will not be sent to insurance under any circumstances.
The best age to start testing with Know Your Numbers is 20 to get a baseline. If results are normal, the test can be repeated every five years. If tests are outside normal range, patients should set up a visit with their primary care provider. As patients reach 30 years of age and beyond, it is good to have labs checked at least once a year for comparison to past years.
Boone County Health Center does not make follow-up calls on Know Your Numbers labs. It is the patient’s responsibility to set up a visit with a primary care provider to talk about the results. This is especially important if lab results are not normal.
Patients may view results on Boone County Health Center’s Patient Portal within just 72 hours of the blood draw. Patient Portal sign up will be offered at the event. Patients without Patient Portal access will have their results mailed within 10 days.
Flu shots will also be available at Know Your Numbers. Bring your insurance card, cash or check for these.