
Sandy Henry, PA-C provides an Aesthetics Clinic at the Boone County Health Center Specialty Clinic. Sandy has specialized aesthetic training including procedures and product use.

Services Include:

  • Personalized skin-freshening services that repair facial skin that is sun-damaged or showing the effects of aging, acne, chicken pox scars or enlarged pores.
  • Microdermabrasion services to help smooth out the skin’s texture as a result of actinic keratosis (small, scaly reddish-pink skin lesions) common among farmers, ranchers and those with a lifetime of sun exposure.
  • Botox therapy and chemical peels to help freshen and smooth out the natural signs of aging.
  • Sclerotherapy for the treatment of spider veins on legs.

Skincare starts in adolescents and goes through anti-aging therapy. Whether a patient needs help in controlling acne (at any age) or wants to slow down the effects of aging, we offer therapy and products to help.

We understand confidentiality and strive to make your experience pleasant and positive. The Aesthetics Clinic exam and treatment rooms are private with their own separate lobby, and we continually evaluate our services and products to offer research-based, medically sound treatment.

Get Started

For more information regarding the Aesthetic clinic see our brochure here. To schedule an appointment, call 402.395.5013.