
President & CEO
Caleb Poore, MHA
Caleb Poore is BCHC’s President and Chief Executive Officer. He has a Masters in Health Care Administration and has over 10 years of experience in healthcare leadership. Caleb joined the team at BCHC in 2023 and is a member of the National Association of Rural Health Clinics, the Nebraska Hospital Association, and the American Hospital Association.
Caleb understands rural life, growing up in Cozad and working in rural Nebraska for most of his life. He has a passion for healthcare that began when he was in high school sports and has continued to grow throughout his career.
Contact:(402) 395-2191

Vice President of Clinic Services
Kristie Stricklin, MHA
Kristie Stricklin oversees all five Boone County Health Center clinics. She has a Masters in Healthcare Administration and more than 17 years of health care management experience.
Kristie came to Boone County Health Center in 2019. She is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE).
Contact:(402) 395-3179

Vice President of Fiscal Services & Chief Financial Officer
Rita Liss
Rita Liss is the Vice President of Fiscal Services and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Boone County Health Center. She is a graduate of the Lincoln School of Commerce.
Rita came to Boone County Health Center in 1987 and became Vice President and CFO in 2017. She is a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).
Contact:(402) 395-3133

Vice President of Patient Services & Director of Nursing
Cindy Lesiak, RN
Cindy Lesiak, RN is Vice President of Patient Services and Director of Nursing at Boone County Health Center. She is a graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and came to Boone County Health Center in 1997.
Cindy is a member of the Nebraska Organization of Nurse Leaders and serves on the advisory committee for the nursing programs at Columbus and Norfolk Community Colleges as well as the UNMC College of Nursing in Norfolk. She grew up in Fullerton and became interested in medicine at an early age, scrubbing in on every surgical case possible with her father, a veterinarian.
Contact: (402) 395-3167

Vice President of Corporate Compliance & Risk Management
Jeanne Temme, RN
Jeanne Temme, RN is Vice President of Corporate Compliance and Risk Management. She is a graduate of the St. Josephs School of Nursing and began working at Boone County Health Center in 1981.
Jeanne is a member of the Nebraska Association for Healthcare Quality, Risk and Safety (NAHQRS), American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM), National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS), Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC).
Contact:(402) 395-3154

Vice President of Human Resources
Lara Swerczek, MBA
Lara Swerczek is Vice President of Human Resources. She is a graduate of University of Nebraska Omaha with a Bachelor of Psychology and University of Nebraska Lincoln with a Master of Business Administration. Lara came to Boone County Health Center in 2023 and has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry.
Lara is a member of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and is certified in Human Resource Management. She grew up in Cedar Rapids and finds that her knowledge of psychology is a great asset to her career in HR.
Contact:(402) 395-3130

Vice President of Information Technology
Nick Smith
Nick Smith is Vice President of Information Technology. He is a graduate of Dakota State University with a degree in Information and Network Security. Nick has a proven track record of overseeing and advancing technology infrastructure in a dynamic and security-conscious environment.
Nick is passionate about contributing to BCHC’s mission through innovative and secure technology solutions.
Contact:(402) 395-3112