Recognized for Reaching Stage 6
By: Boone County Health Center
We have more great news (read to the end for some great behind-the-scenes photos)!
Boone County Health Center (BCHC) has been recognized by Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society Analytics, a global healthcare adviser, for reaching Stage 6 on our Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM).
EMRAM evaluates the progress and impact of electronic medical record (EMR) systems for hospitals, tracking their progress in completing eight stages (0-7).
As of June 2016, only 30 percent of hospitals in the US had reached Stage 6.
“Reaching Stage 6 has truly been a group effort,” said CEO Tanya Sharp. “Our staff does a great job working together to reach a common goal, which ultimately benefits our patients.”
Hospitals that have reached Stage 6 have a leading advantage over competitors for patient safety, provider support and recruitment, as well as competitive marketing for both consumers and nurse recruitment.
In reaching Stage 6, we have almost fully automated/paperless health care records across most of our hospital setting. We are using data to find ways to improve, and we’ve seen the value of better patient care and patient safety made possible with the EMR.
“HIMSS Analytics congratulates Boone County Health Center for making significant progress towards achieving advanced health IT adoption,” said John H. Daniels, CNM, FACHE, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, Global Vice President, HIMSS Analytics. “Stage 6 represents a level of sophistication that can lead to innovative healthcare transformation.”
We celebrated this recognition as well as our Healthcare’s Most Wired and Becker’s Hospital Review’s List: 62 Critical Access Hospitals to Know 2017 awards by letting management cook for us… and they didn’t do too bad!
To top it off, Dietary got to eat first for maybe the first time ever…
Such a great time celebrating our accomplishments together!