Billing Statements to Change
By: Boone County Health Center
We’re excited to announce we’ve partnered with Revenue Cycle Specialists, Inc. (RCS) out of Grand Island to offer extended business office services. RCS will be handling all Boone County Health Center (BCHC) payment aspects.
“We want our patients to be successful in paying their medical bills in a way that works for them,” said BCHC Revenue Cycle Director Brenda Machmueller. “We’re partnering with RCS to help patients with their bill from the very start.”
Starting January 2nd, when a patient is seen at BCHC’s hospital or medical clinics, RCS will send out the bill. The new bill format will have both the BCHC and RCS logo.
If the bill is not paid in full after 30 days, RCS will reach out to the patient with a phone call to discuss options. To make the payment process easier, RCS has a secure online payment portal as well as many other choices.
“The key is working together with open communication to make sure the patient is successful in paying their bill,” said Machmueller.
Each Thursday, BCHC offers free help to patients who want to sign up for health insurance. During that time, patients can also get help signing up for other services such as WIC, SNAP, and housing assistance.
All patients who had a payment plan for their BCHC bill before January 2nd will stay with that plan through Signature Performance until the balance is paid in full. Only bills dated January 2nd and later will go through RCS.