BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottles) to Every Appointment
By: Aprill Murphy
by Jill Nore, Pharmacist:
Knowing your medications—names, strengths, and how often you take them—is essential for your healthcare. With various specialists, like surgeons and cardiologists, prescribing different medications, your list can change quickly. Sharing these updates with your primary care provider ensures you receive coordinated, consistent care.
Don’t assume that specialists will update your primary provider. The best way to keep everyone informed is to bring all your medication bottles to every appointment. This practice allows your providers to update your records accurately and helps you get rid of any outdated or unused medications in the disposal bin at Boone County Health Center.
When your medication list is accurate, it’s invaluable for your healthcare team, especially during a hospital admission or transfer. As a pharmacist, I review your list for potential interactions, duplicates, and proper dosages, helping ensure safe and effective treatment.
So, at every visit, remember to BYOB—Bring Your Own Bottles!