Call Ahead to Save Time
By: Boone County Health Center
A new plan at Boone County Health Center (BCHC) helps patients who need to see the “shot nurse” get in and out of the clinic faster.
“Things are changing quickly at the clinic as we move toward being a certified Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH),” said Clinic Supervisor Lacy Bottorf. “To be more respectful of our patients’ time, we now ask that they call ahead to schedule a visit when they need to see the shot nurse.”
A “shot nurse” is the name BCHC uses for any visit that does not call for the patient to see a doctor. This can be for a flu/pneumonia shot, HPV vaccination or allergy injection, but also for things such as lab draws, blood pressure checks, urine tests, or drug screenings.
In the past, patients may have been told just to stop in if they need to see the shot nurse, but this new way of doing things will lead to shorter patient wait times. Setting up a visit ahead of time gives nurses a chance to pull up the patient’s chart and find the orders before the patient arrives.
“Most of the time, when a patient calls to set up a visit with the shot nurse, we can get them in that same day. But sometimes slots do fill up. By calling ahead, a patient can save themselves from inadvertently stopping in on a particularly busy day,” said Bottorf.
If a patient needs fasting lab tests done in the morning, Bottorf suggests they call at least the day before, if not earlier, to make sure visit times aren’t already full.
To set up a visit with the shot nurse, patients can call Boone County Medical Clinic in Albion at 402-395-5013 and ask to schedule an appointment with the shot nurse.