Come Scope Us Out
By: Boone County
Did you know Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer? That’s the bad news. The good news is… it’s slow to develop and largely preventable with regular screening. In fact, the CDC statistics show that if the entire population was screened at the age of 50, the number of colorectal cancer-related deaths could be cut by 60%.
Come find out everything you need to know at our event Wednesday April 26th. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with registration from 6:00 to 6:30 and speakers beginning at 7:00.
Topics will include:
“All You Need to Know about Colon Health and Cancer Prevention” by Dr. Anthony Kusek
“Are you prepared? Tips for a Stress-Free Colonoscopy Experience” by Kim Heying, RN
“Understanding Insurance Coverage” by Stacey Slaymaker, CPC
“The Personal Journey of a Colon Cancer Survivor” by Kevin Lyons
To enhance your learning experience, you’ll have the opportunity to take a stroll through a giant colon like the one pictured. It’s an experience you won’t soon forget, and a fun way to learn what’s healthy… and what isn’t.
This event is entirely free and drinks and snacks will be provided. You can even get your own free take-home screening kit!
Join us in the Kvam Community Room at BCHC on Wednesday, April 26 at 6:00 p.m. You can enter through the North Entrance at the Health Center and the Kvam room will be on your left.
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**This event is sponsored by the BCHC Cancer Care… Navigating Your Journey team. **