Ag Respiratory Hazards and Protection Workshop
By: Boone County Health Center
August 2, 2021: Ag Health and Safety Alliance Founder, Carolyn Sheridan, RN, BSN, will be the guest speaker for the Agriculture Respiratory Hazards and Protection Workshop at the Boone County fairgrounds Casey’s building on August 12th.
Gayla Oakley, Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Director at Boone County Health Center, recently connected with Sheridan and invited her to come to Albion. “This is one way we can give back to our famers who provide so much for Nebraska and the nation. It is important they are wearing the right protective gear for the job they are doing,” said Oakley.
Respiratory exposures in the agriculture industry can include gases, chemicals, pesticides, organic dust, mold, exhaust for machinery and welding fumes. Selection and appropriate use of respiratory protection is key to the prevention of acute respiratory illness and long-term disease. The workshop is designed to provide information on respiratory exposures, differences in masks and respirators, an interactive demonstration of several types of respirators and fit testing demonstration. Information will also be provided to participants on where to purchase and how to take care of your respirator.
Each participant will receive a gift bag with personal protective gear provided by UNMC partner AgHealth Central States Agriculture Safety and Health. Making sure that the respirator fits properly and it is the appropriate one for the job is critical. Participants will have the opportunity to bring their respirators to be fitted at the drive through Fit testing event at the Boone County Health Center north parking lot August 26 from 3-6pm.
The world of agriculture is ever-changing, and those working in the industry must constantly adapt. This workshop will offer vital education on respiratory health and safety.
A free grilled hamburger lunch will be provided by Boone County Health Center and the Boone County Cattleman’s Association to each participant. The workshop will begin at 11:30am and will be wrapped up by 1:00pm. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to RSVP to Nicole Levander at the Health Center at 402-395-3165.
This workshop is hosted by Boone County Health Center, Ag Health and Safety Alliance and UNMC Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health.