Dr. Travis to Present at Free Luncheon
By: Boone County Health Center
The week of the Boone County Big Give, Boone County Health Center will host a free soup and sandwich luncheon during which Dr. Joel Travis and nurse Katie Laska will explain more about the health center’s 2019-2020 Priority Project “Closer to Home.”
This project will raise money to purchase a transcutaneous bilirubin (TCB) reader that will help test babies born with jaundice.
Each year, over 60% of newborns have jaundice, which is caused when too much bilirubin builds up in the blood. The most common sign of jaundice is yellowing of the skin. It is vital to treat this common condition right away or, in severe cases, it can lead to brain damage.
Typically, newborns must be seen by a provider within 48-72 hours after leaving the hospital. During this first clinic visit, the TCB reader is used to check their bilirubin levels.
Newborns that must be treated for elevated bilirubin levels need to be re-checked several times within the first couple weeks of life. Right now, this can only be done at the Health Center’s Albion medical clinic.
As a result, families who live in other towns face a lot of travel to have their newborn tested. Boone County Health Center’s 2019-2020 Priority Project goal is to raise $30,000 for the purchase of a TCB reader for each of the four outlying clinics.
Having a TCB reader at each clinic is more vital than ever as other area hospitals have stopped providing obstetrical (OB) services and families are now driving even further for OB Care.
To support this important project, visit Boone County Health Center’s website boonecohealth.org/foundation or attend the free luncheon at noon Friday, December 6th in the Kvam Room. Donors can also choose Boone County Health Center Foundation on the Big Give donation form.