Elgin Bargain Box Helps Kick Off Project
By: Boone County Health Center
The Elgin Bargain Box gave $1,000 to kick off our 2017-2018 priority project The First Breath!
This project will fund a manikin the size of 25-week premature baby, which can be used to train providers in the care of a tiny baby whose lungs are not fully developed. The manikin can be programmed to simulate many possible scenarios.
This training is important because one in ten babies in the US is born premature. The care these babies get during the first few breaths of life is vital.
“We appreciate the value BCHC brings to the area,” said Elgin Bargain Box Board Member Linda Kerkman. “We’re also grateful for our donors.”
The Elgin Bargain Box opened on August 15, 2014. They sell donated items such as clothes, furniture, household items and even nice, used carpet.
In just three years, they have donated $137,000 to many local groups such as schools, fire departments, food banks, mission trips, libraries, and the Salvation Army. Elgin Bargain Box Volunteers have also carried over 1,900 boxes to the Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk.
Return-shopper Rosa Munguia says the Elgin Bargain Box is a great place to shop, and the volunteers are always kind and friendly. A Canada truck driver agreed. While on the road, he stops at each thrift store he comes across, and the Elgin Bargain Box is the best he’s ever found.
Roughly 20 loyal volunteers keep the Elgin Bargain Box running smoothly. Board Members are Linda Kerkman, Barb Finn, Carol Eischeid, Margaret Hensley and Sandy Kerkman.
Find the Elgin Bargain Box on Facebook or give to BCHC Foundation’s priority project here: The First Breath.