Creating a Safer Community: The Green Dot Strategy
By: Aprill Murphy
by Valorie Slizoski, CSW:
A recent Green Dot training in Nebraska brought together 56 participants from various organizations. Since completing the program, these participants have introduced the Green Dot initiative to hundreds of individuals across the state, significantly expanding its reach and impact.
At Boone County Health Center, we are dedicated to fostering a community where everyone feels safe and valued. One way we achieve this is through the Green Dot strategy, a violence prevention program aimed at reducing power-based personal violence, including sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and stalking.
The Green Dot strategy seeks to establish two essential cultural norms: 1) power-based personal violence will not be tolerated, and 2) everyone plays a role in maintaining a safe community. Through awareness, education, and programming, we empower community members to adopt behaviors that challenge violence and promote safety.
Think of red dots as harmful acts—striking someone, neglecting a child, coercing another person, or stalking. These actions create an unsafe environment. Green dots, on the other hand, are actions that counter these harms. By recognizing issues, addressing barriers, intervening, and promoting positive norms, we can shift the balance.
The Green Dot strategy emphasizes the “Three Ds” to take action:
Direct: Intervene directly. Ask someone to stop harmful behavior or check on someone who seems in distress.
Delegate: Seek help from others. Friends, family, authority figures, or professionals can step in when needed.
Distract: Create a diversion to defuse a situation. Spill a drink, start an unrelated conversation, or ask for assistance in a way that redirects focus.
Our community thrives when green dots outnumber red dots. By working together, we can create a safer and more compassionate environment. If you or someone you know is experiencing harmful acts, please reach out to our social work department for support at 402-395-3109.