High-Tech Simulation Training to Improve Maternal Care
By: Boone County Health Center
Strengthening its pledge to offer high-quality, health care close to home, Boone County Health Center (BCHC) primary care providers (PCPs) and obstetrics (OB) team recently completed OB simulation training for postpartum hemorrhage events, or too much blood loss after childbirth.
Across the nation, blood loss is the second leading cause of death for a mother within 42 days of giving birth, but many of these could be stopped. Training which prepares OB teams to quickly spot and react to pregnancy-related problems can save lives.
“We are always looking for ways to improve patient safety across the whole birthing process,” said BCHC Vice President of Patient Services and Director of Nursing Cindy Lesiak, RN. “After completing the OB simulation training program, our PCPs and OB staff are even better equipped to handle all aspects of a postpartum hemorrhage event.”
For the simulation part of the training, the OB team practiced on a fully functioning, high-fidelity talking mannequin. The mannequin recreated a real-life, postpartum hemorrhage event by using a simulated, fake blood product and speaking as a patient would.
The training was given by Board-Certified Maternal-Fetal Medicine Doctor Benjamin Byers as well as a nurse instructor and a nurse educator. It took place at BCHC to allow for customized, site-specific assessments and recommendations.
The Heartland Health Alliance, a hospital network in which BCHC is a member, funded the program which was made possible with the help of Bryan Rural Division along with the Bryan College of Health Sciences, Bryan Medical Center and Bryan Physician Network Doctor Byers, DO.
The team at BCHC proactively participated in this continuing education opportunity to be vigilantly ready to serve the OB needs of the area, so growing families have access to the highest quality care in their own communities.