Hospital Board Earns Special Certification
By: Boone County Health Center
Boone County Health Center’s (BCHC’s) Board of Trustees members Kim Beierman, Don Casper, Jody Choat, Paul Groeteke and Ken Schmitz have achieved the status of Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA) Certified Hospital Trustee by completing the requirements of the NHA Research and Educational Foundation’s Hospital Trustee Community Accountability Education Certification Program.
“Through this special training and certification, our board members have shown dedication to high standards of accountably, demonstrating commitment to pursuing ongoing education and moving beyond the basics of governance to forward thinking and the strategic understanding of the health care environment,” said BCHC President and CEO Tanya Sharp.
The NHA Hospital Trustee Education Certification Program is an annual program designed to enable hospitals to utilize governance best practices, to promote the coordination of care and the best use of resources and to demonstrate to their community, lawmakers, regulators, physicians, employees, business and other community stakeholders that they are dedicated to the well-being of citizens.
The education requirements of the program assist hospital trustees to have a better understanding of expectations for individual and overall governing leadership excellence, and have a structure for improving their individual knowledge and leadership potential. This voluntary annual program ensures that trustees are kept current in the ever-changing health care landscape.
Nearly 100 trustees and administrators from 17 hospitals and health systems in Nebraska have dedicated the time and effort to earn NHA member hospital trustee education certification.