New Certified Lactation Counselors at Health Center
By: Boone County Health Center
Boone County Health Center is pleased to announce the addition of two Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) to the obstetrics (OB) team. Kendra Vogel, RN and Alyssa Henn, RN will join Deanna Kruse, RN and Maria Kinney, RN as CLCs.
“Breastfeeding is natural, but it is also a learned skill. As CLCs we have special training from a practical, evidence-based breastfeeding course with a strong focus on counseling skills to help moms and babies have the best breastfeeding experience possible,” said Obstetrics Director Maria Kinney, RN.
At Boone County Health Center, CLCs offer patients a free breastfeeding class to review the benefits of breastfeeding, positioning of the baby, and how to determine if the baby is getting enough milk. During the hospital stay, CLCs are available to help moms and babies begin their breastfeeding journey.
After discharged from the hospital, each mom receives a phone call to answer questions. Follow-up visits at the clinic or hospital are also available to help ensure a healthy breastfeeding journey when moms and babies return home.