No-Shave November Fuels Talks About Cancer
By: Boone County Health Center
In honor of “No-Shave November” some male staff at Boone County Health Center (BCHC) set down their razors and skipped haircuts for an entire month.
No-Shave November started as an online non-profit with a goal of embracing hair, which many cancer patients lose, in order to get people talking about cancer screenings, prevention and the need for research and funding.
“I chose not to shave this month as a reminder to everyone that we all need to have regular cancer screenings. It’s easy to put off getting a checkup, but it can save your life,” said Dr. Joel Travis. “If we catch something early, it can lead to a better health outcome and more years of life with your family. To me, that’s worth it.”
To get screened for common types of cancer, call the BCHC clinic at 402-395-5013.