We’re Opening Discussions
By: Boone County
We’re excited to introduce our new Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) members! This council was formed to open communication between the Health Center and patients and families.
“We are constantly working to improve the level of care we offer at the Health Center,” said Vice President of Clinic Services Tammy Reigle. “This committee will help us focus our efforts in a way that provides the most benefit to our patients and families.”
PFAC will meet quarterly to discuss positive thoughts and constructive criticism about the care provided at the Health Center. The PFAC members are from multiple age groups and were chosen from a list of applicants in the Health Center’s service area.
PFAC members are left to right (front row) Janice Kleveland, Kay Osborn, Kaye Koehler, (middle row) Chelsey Steensnes, Judy Pribnow, Sandy Miller, Tracy Zentner, Connie Sugden, (back row) Mark Palmer, Julie Krause, Dennis Morgan, Ron Delaney.
Tracy Zentner was selected by the PFAC as the recorder. Connie Sugden was chosen by PFAC to be the spokesperson. She will report to a Health Center representative on the suggestions and insights shared during the PFAC meeting.
The input from PFAC will help the Health Center plan and evaluate quality improvement projects. The Health Center will also use the PFAC’s input to help establish patient and family-centered care priorities.
The formation of PFAC is just one part of the Health Center’s efforts to become a certified Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). PCMH places the highest interest on quality care while keeping the patient and their family in the center of their healthcare.