Tami Dodds, MD
Family Practice

University of Nebraska Medical School
University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) / Faith Regional Health Services through the UNMC Rural Training Track
American Board of Family Medicine
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) Instructor
Dr. Dodds grew up in Primrose, Nebraska and graduated from Cedar Rapids High School. In high school, she started job shadowing at Boone County Health Center (BCHC), which inspired her to follow a career in medicine. As a senior in high school, Dr. Dodds was accepted into the Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP) at Wayne State College. She attended the University of Nebraska for medical school and participated in the rural training track program.
She was able to schedule some of her rotations at BCHC during medical school and residency, and even delivered all four of her children here! Dr. Dodds sees medicine as a calling. She has always had a passion for obstetrics (OB) and pediatrics and loves the diversity of taking care of mom, baby and the whole family. She also has a heart for rural and underserved populations.
Dr. Dodds and her husband Bill have four children and live outside of Albion. Bill operates a family farm in Belgrade. Life is busy as a mother and doctor, but she makes it a priority for “night time rounds” to tuck her kids in and tell them she loves them.
Locations and Availability
Boone County
9:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 4:30
Nance County
9:00 - 4:30