Dementia Program

Memory Care: A Team Approach to Dementia Care

Are you caring for a loved one with dementia? We’d like to partner with you. The goal of the BCHC Memory Care team is to partner with patients and family members in promoting the highest level of independence while giving patients dignity and respect. This program offers screening, evaluation and ongoing resources for families coping with a loved one’s memory loss. We want to build a partnership with our patients and their families to ensure they receive the best possible care.

While your loved one may not need all the resources listed below, our Memory Care program offers a Multi-disciplinary approach.

Occupational Therapy: Works to maximize a person’s ability to perform daily activities and provide education to the family to help their loved one manage at home.

Speech Therapy: Focuses on improving communication and possible swallowing concerns (often seen in advanced stages).

Social Work: Connects families to resources and offers support and education.

Counseling/Education: Addresses behaviors such as depression and anxiety for the family and patients and creates coping strategies to assist in these areas.

Dietary: Provides information and education to promote healthy eating.

Pharmacy: Reviews medication and answers any questions.

Physician: Dr. Anthony Kusek will lead the program and communicate with your primary physician.

Spiritual: Offers conversation about identity, life-giving relationships with God, family, friends, and the community, and why God allows dementia to happen.

Ongoing Support: Offers periodic correspondence with reflections, resources and local events.

Get Started

Caregivers are asked to fill out a questionnaire about the patient in order for us to develop an individualized plan. You can fill out the questionnaire below or print and bring with you to the appointment.

For more information about this program call 402.395.3187

Memory Care Questionnaire