Wound Care Closer to Home
By: Boone County Health Center
Dr. Sean Kohl and Nurse Keri Carraher passed the national certification exam to become Wound Care Certified by the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy. This is a big step in the formation of a Wound Care Team at Boone County Health Center (BCHC).
“Each wound is different and needs specialized care,” stated Dr. Kohl. “Often patients have to make frequent trips out of town for their wound care. With this training and the start of a Wound Care Team, we will be able to give patients the expert care they need while saving them travel time and cost.”
There has been a rise in both the number and complexity of wounds seen at BCHC in recent years. The Wound Care Team’s training and certification will help them bring the latest in wound care to BCHC patients based on new research and techniques that can speed the healing process.
The formation of the Wound Care Team was funded by donations from this year’s Hospital Gala. The team is headed by Dr. Kohl and currently includes Home Health Director Denee Kunzman who is also Wound Care Certified along with RN Carraher.
Wound Care Team
“Having a Wound Care Team here at BCHC is a major asset to our patients,” said Carraher. “I’m grateful for the chance to offer this care for patients so close to home.”
The Wound Care Team will serve as the experts in wound care for patients at the Health Center as well as in the clinics and home health settings.