2018-2019 Priority Project Is “3D – a Clearer View”
By: Boone County Health Center
A 3D movie is fun, but a 3D mammogram, which is an x-ray of the breast, could be lifesaving.
New research shows 43% of women have dense breasts and are six times more likely to get breast cancer. A 2D mammogram only offers doctors a top and side view. For the doctors, it can be like trying to look through a dense forest. Sometimes the cancer hides behind dense breast tissue.
With a 3D mammogram, the machine sweeps in an arc over a woman’s breast, capturing images at many angles. It’s as if someone went into that dense “forest” and took pictures. When doctors view these images in a series, it is much easier to spot cancer sooner. Also, it’s easier to avoid false positives and the need for re-scans.
Armed with this new research and the value of 3D mammography for women with dense breasts, Boone County Health Center (BCHC) Foundation’s 2018-2019 Priority Project “3D – A Clearer View” will fund the upgrade from 2D to 3D mammography at BCHC.
This priority project kicked off with a flagship gift from The Wesley & Irene Mansfield Charitable Foundation. Fundraising efforts will continue with the coming Boone County Big Give in November and the BCHC Gala at the start of 2019.
To support this project, select Boone County Health Center on a Big Give envelope at any location taking part in Big Give the last week in November or join BCHC for a free Soup and Sandwich Luncheon during the Big Give on Friday November 30th to learn more about the project.