Category: Health Center Chatter
Nebraskans are tough. We work hard and power through problems. These are great traits and ones I hope to instill in my own kids. However, when it comes to health, toughing it out isn’t always the best choice. The earlier we catch an illness, the better we can treat it. More…
Mental health is a critical part of overall wellness, and the need for mental health care has grown tremendously in the last several years. Sadly, experts such as psychiatrists and psychologists who offer this care are in short supply, especially in rural areas. Advances in technology have supplied a unique More…
You know the importance of monthly breast exams, but did you know it’s important to check your skin for cancer on a regular basis too? Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will have skin cancer at some point in their life. More…
Across the country, there is a shift from focusing on sickness to health. Patients are used to going to the doctor when they are sick. The shift is in getting patients to the doctor for checkups so they don’t get sick in the first place. As Nurse Navigators at Boone More…
When you have diabetes, you may still feel alright on the outside while serious damage is happening on the inside. That’s why you cannot use how you feel as a good measure of how well your diabetes is controlled. What’s happening underneath the surface is what matters. When you eat, More…
Do you know the leading cause of death for adults in the U.S.? It’s not car crashes, serial killers, or even cancer. It’s heart disease. Heart disease occurs when there is a buildup of fat in the arteries. This causes the arteries to become thick and stiffen, slowing or even More…
There are no words to describe how special it is the first time you meet your newborn baby. It’s in these moments that the bond with your baby begins. “What mothers and babies need most after birth is each other,” said OB Director Maria Kinney, who came to Boone County More…
We want you to be healthy! At your clinic visit, we will do everything we can to make that happen. Here’s what you can do to help us help you. Before your visit: Keep a symptom diary. Your Primary Care Provider (PCP) can learn a lot from the history you More…
Suicide takes a life every 13 minutes. It is the 2nd leading cause of death for 15-34 year olds in the US. When a person is suicidal and just wanting to die, they may feel like they are walking around in a haze. They might not know where to turn More…
Boone County Health Center understands quality healthcare goes beyond the cost. In today’s world, however, patients shop around to make sure they are getting not only the best care but the best price. But comparing quotes from different healthcare facilities can be confusing. Some hospitals include costs and charges in More…